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  An Analysis of Artificial Intelligence in Machines & Chinese Room Problem  
  Authors : Priyanka Yedluri; A.Nagarjuna
  Cite as: ijcsn.org/IJCSN-2013/2-6/IJCSN-2013-2-6-114.pdf


The success of machines over the last few decades in performing tasks that were seeming impossible for humans to perform led to the discussion that can machines be made intelligent. The argument was based on the fact that there was no understanding and the computer merely followed human etc. is not a new one. The question evokes deep programmed rules without any consciousness. The other side countered that an argument like that was arguable, since the results were as if produced by an intelligent being and had meaning, the computer has produced proof of intelligence. In this paper, we would analyze the arguments of both the sides and present a clearer picture of the capabilities of machine. We'll begin by explaining the Turing test, a criteria to test the intelligence of a machine and then move to discuss Chinese room problem and its implications. I will be highlighting the objections raised against these problems and my own answers to these arguments.


Published In : IJCSN Journal Volume 2, Issue 6

Date of Publication : 01 December 2013

Pages : 12 - 16

Figures : 01

Tables : --

Publication Link : ijcsn.org/IJCSN-2013/2-6/IJCSN-2013-2-6-114.pdf




Priyanka Yedluri : Department of Computer Science, DVR College of Engineering & Technology Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh 502285, India.

A.Nagarjuna : Department of Computer Science, DVR College of Engineering & Technology Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh 502285, India.









Chinese Room Problem







Chinese room fails to end the debate between the supporters and non-supporters of Strong AI. In fact, no hypotheses presented so far is close to being the deciding argument of this argument. Non supporters propose newer experiments every now and then to counter strong AI. On the other hand, with the rapid advancement in AI and Robotics, advanced machines are being develop every day. Every day, one could hear the news of yet another human attribute being successfully modeled by robots. Thus, machines are steadily progressing towards the ultimate goal Would a virtual mind, in a body of wires, circuits and chips would ever be able to experience the warmth of virtual love, in the same way as we do. Based on the current state of our knowledge and philosophical understanding of the topic, I find it hard to imagine that a machine would ever be able to have the same mental state as humans. Thus, even if it did understand love, the feeling won't be the same as what humans feel.










[1] Turing, Alan M. "Computing Machinery and Intelligence." Philosophy of Mind: A Guide and Anthology. Ed. John Heil. New York: 2004.

[2] Based on an example provided in “Emperor's new mind” by Roger Penrose.

[3] Mariano de Dompablo Cordio “Searle's Chinese Room Argument and its Replies: A Constructive Re- Warming and the Future of Artificial Intelligence” Indiana Undergraduate Journal of Cognitive Science 3 (2008).