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  Data Warehouse Creation for Preparing an Electricity Statistics Dashboard  
  Authors : Shivani Khedikar; Purva Kirolikar; Supriya Thombre
  Cite as: ijcsn.org/IJCSN-2013/2-6/IJCSN-2013-2-6-131.pdf


The 21st century is making use of electricity so extensively that it has almost changed the face of the earth. To generate and harness electricity on a large scale means the development of machinery capable of doing so. An essential strategy for meeting the energy challenge is to concentrate on the generation and use of electricity. One suggested technique to assist in analysis is data warehousing and data mining. Use of the Data warehouse and Business Intelligence Systems for the betterment of the electricity related problems which are lamentably worst specially in rural areas, would enable the respective organizations to deal with the appropriate problems. It would enforce better decision -making. This paper focuses on building data warehouse that will further be followed by dashboard creation by applying data mining techniques that would enable Maharashtra State Electricity Board to analyze electricity trends and take steps accordingly to improve its performance.


Published In : IJCSN Journal Volume 2, Issue 6

Date of Publication : 01 December 2013

Pages : 59 - 72

Figures : 31

Tables : --

Publication Link : ijcsn.org/IJCSN-2013/2-6/IJCSN-2013-2-6-131.pdf




Shivani Khedikar : Department of Computer Technology, YCCE Nagpur- 441110, Maharashtra, India

Purva Kirolikar : Department of Computer Technology, YCCE Nagpur- 441110, Maharashtra, India

Supriya Thombre : Department of Computer Technology, YCCE Nagpur- 441110, Maharashtra, India








Data Warehouse

Business Intelligence

Logical Data Model

Physical Data Model




With such an overwhelming list of advantages, it is easy to wonder why every organization does not already have a data warehouse. The only reason is that before the availability of prebuilt warehouses, custom creation was an expensive, time-consuming, and expert-intensive process. Thousands of organizations, including the majority of the most successful businesses in the world, have made the investment to create data warehouses. Their pioneering work has made it much easier for those starting today. The case for obtaining a BI solution based on a data warehouse has become compelling, even for businesses struggling with layoffs and drastic cost cutting. Without one it is very hard to determine how to rebuild a business model around current levels of demand. Trying to manage a complex business in a highly challenging economic environment without a BI solution based on a data warehouse is thus fraught with risk.










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