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  JPEG versus GIF Images in forms of LSB Steganography  
  Authors : Eltyeb E. Abed Algabar; Fakhreldeen A. Mohammed
  Cite as: ijcsn.org/IJCSN-2013/2-6/IJCSN-2013-2-6-140.pdf


Steganography (from Greek steganos, or "covered," and graphie, or "writing") is the hiding of undisclosed message (such as text, image, audio and video) within an ordinary message (such as text, image, audio and video) and the extraction of it at its target (receiver). Steganography takes cryptography a step farther by hiding an encrypted message so that no one suspects it exists. This paper compares and analyses Least Significant Bit (LSB) algorithm using the cover object as an image with a focus on two types: JPEG and GIF. The comparison and analysis are done with deference number of criteria (Robustness against statistical attacks, Invisibility, Steganalysis detection, Robustness against image manipulation, Efficient when amount of data reasonable, Payload capacity, Unsuspicious files and Amount of embedded data) to understand their strengths and weaknesses.


Published In : IJCSN Journal Volume 2, Issue 6

Date of Publication : 01 December 2013

Pages : 86 - 93

Figures : 09

Tables : 04

Publication Link : ijcsn.org/IJCSN-2013/2-6/IJCSN-2013-2-6-140.pdf




DR.ELTYEB ELSAMANI ABD ELGABAR ELSAMANI : Assistant Professor(2009) in the Computer Science at Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, Information Technology Department - Khulais - King Abdul Aziz University- Jeddah - Saudi Arabia. Assistant Professor in the Computer Science at the Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology - Alneelain University - Khartoum - Sudan. . Main specialization is Information Security in particular and Encryption in specific. A member of the committee of Standard specifications for Computers Hardware and Peripherals in the National Information Center (NIC) - Khartoum -Sudan , member of Standard specifications for Network Hardware in the National Information Center (NIC) - Khartoum -Sudan, and member of Curriculum of information technology department - Faculty of Kamleen Ahlia- Gazera Sudan.

Dr.Fakhreldeen : is an Assistant Professor in the Computer Science at the Department of Information Technology, Faculty of Computer and Information Technology in khlais, King AbdulAziz University, Saudi Arabia. He is an Assistant Professor in the Computer Science at the Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology at Alneelain University, Sudan. His main specialization in particular is Performance Evaluation of Computer System. The researches interests include Network Technology & Application, Internet Security and Performance Evaluation of Internet Application. He is a member of the committee of the software standards in the public sector, NIC, Sudan. He is a member of the academic committee, faculty of CSIT, Alneelain University, Sudan.










Least significant bit (LSB)

Lossless, lossy


In the image of kind JPEG we find medium data embedded, high unsuspicious, medium robustness against statistical attacks, high invisibility and low Independent of file format. For the image of kind GIF we find very little data embedded, low unsuspicious, medium invisibility and low robustness against statistical attacks.










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