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  Hybrid Drowsiness Detection System to Prevent Accident using Non-Intrusive Physiological Measures  
  Authors : Kusuma Kumari B.M; Sunitha K.M
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In recent years, driver drowsiness has been one of the major causes of road accidents and can lead to severe physical injuries, deaths and significant economic losses. Since car accidents may be caused by the driver’s tiredness, there are some assistance systems designed for bringing the attention of a driver. In this paper, we review different measures and discuss its advantages and limitations and we are also discussing different indicators of sleepiness in this paper. We conclude that by designing a hybrid drowsiness detection system that combines the non-intrusive physiological measures with other measures one would accurately determine the drowsiness level of a driver.


Published In : IJCSN Journal Volume 3, Issue 1

Date of Publication : 01 February 2014

Pages : 28 - 33

Figures : 01

Tables : 02

Publication Link : IJCSN-2014/3-1/Hybrid-Drowsiness-Detection-System-to-Prevent-Accident-using-Non-Intrusive-Physiological-Measures




Kusuma Kumari B.M : Dept of Computer Science, Tumkur University, University College of Science Tumkur, Karnataka, India

Sunitha K.M : Dept of Computer Science, Bangalore University, Vijaya College Bangalore, Karnataka, India








Drowsiness detection

Driver sleepiness


Hybrid measures

Drowsiness system

In this paper, we have reviewed the various methods available to determine the drowsiness state of a driver. This paper also discusses the various indicators of sleepiness. These were also discussing the advantages and limitations of each measure. It would be worth fusing physiological measures, such as ECG, with behavioral and vehicle-based measures in the development of an efficient drowsiness detection system.










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