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  Empirical Study of Different Classifiers with Feature Extraction for E-Mail Spam Filtering  
  Authors : Himadri Sekhar Atta
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E-mail or electronic mail is a principal mode of communication for quite some time in both professional and personal use. But over the last few years email spam has rapidly increased. Several techniques have been adopted for spam filtering. Among the various approaches developed to eliminate spam, filtering is an important and popular one. In this paper, an empirical study is done using some email datasets. In the first step datasets were taken and various classifiers like naive bayes, SVM, k-NN and decision tree were implemented and the performances were observed. In the next level, the important features were extracted from the datasets and then performances of the classifiers were observed. The objective of this paper is to highlight the findings through the empirical study, which will also help us to determine a good classifier for spam filtering. It also illustrates the information regarding feature extraction and different classifiers.


Published In : IJCSN Journal Volume 3, Issue 3

Date of Publication : 01 June 2014

Pages : 71 - 76

Figures : 02

Tables : 03

Publication Link : Empirical Study of Different Classifiers with Feature Extraction for E-Mail Spam Filtering




Himadri Sekhar Atta : is from final year in Master of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering department of Institute of Engineering and Management, Kolkata, West Bengal. He passed his Bachelor of Technology degree in 2012 in Computer Science and Engineering department from Kanad Institute of Engineering and Management, Burdwan, West Bengal.









Feature Extraction



Spam Filtering

The experiment results clearly show the effect of different classifiers for classifying a mail as spam or legitimate. The use of feature extraction also helped to identify the important attributes or features for classifying. It also increased the performance rate of the classifiers for the prediction of the class. So it is a better approach to build a spam filter using feature extraction. From the results it can also be concluded that the performance of SVM and k-NN classifiers were good enough than all other classifiers. So these classifiers will surely help us to implement a good spam filter. We could work out a spam filter which will directly access an incoming mail online, remove the unnecessary URLs(if present) or features and determine it as a spam mail or legitimate mail.










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