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  A Unique Sorting Algorithm With Linear Time Complexity  
  Authors : Sanjib Palui; Somsubhra Gupta
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As volume of information is growing up day by day in the world around us and prerequisite of some optimized operations is sorted list, the efficient and cost effective sorting algorithm is required. There are several number of sorting algorithms but still now this field has attracted a great deal of research, perhaps due to the complexity of solving it efficiently despite of its simple and familiar statements. An algorithm is chosen according to one’s need with respect to space complexity and time complexity. Now days, space is available comparatively in cheap cost. So, time complexity is a major issue for an algorithm. Here, the presented approach is to achieve linear time complexity using divide and conquer rule by partitioning a problem into n (input size) sub problem, then these sub problems are solved recursively. So, asymptotic efficiency of this algorithm is very high with respect to time.


Published In : IJCSN Journal Volume 3, Issue 6

Date of Publication : December 2014

Pages : 430 - 434

Figures : --

Tables : 02

Publication Link : A Unique Sorting Algorithm With Linear Time Complexity




Sanjib Palui : has completed his bachelor degree in Information Technology and master degree in Software Engineering in the year of 2012 and 2014 respectively. Then he has joined Indian Statistical Institute as Project Linked Person in the unit of Computer Vision & Pattern Recognition (CVPR). He is working on Data Structure & algorithm, Image Processing and Optical Character Recognition fields.

Dr. Somsubhra Gupta : is presently the Assistant Professor of the Department of Information Technology, JIS College of Engineering (An Autonomous Institution). He is graduated from the University of Calcutta and completed his Masters from Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur. He received Ph. D. award entitled “Multiobjective Decision Making in Inexact Environment using Genetic Algorithm: Theory and Applications” form University of Kalyani. His area of teaching is Algorithm and allied domains and research area is Machine Intelligence. In research, he has around 56 papers including Book Chapters so far in National / International Journal / Proceedings and over 40 citations. He is Principal Investigator / Project Coordinator to some Research projects (viz. RPS scheme AICTE). He was the Convener of International Conference on Computation and Communication Advancement (IC3A-2013). He is invited in the Technical Programme Committee of number of Conferences, delivered as an invited speaker, an INS (Elsevier Science) reviewer and attended NAFSA-2013 conference of international educators at St. Louis, Missouri, USA










divide and conquer


asymptotic efficiency

space complexity

time complexity


The main advantage of the presented algorithm is its speed. Selection of sorting algorithm is application and situation dependent but this algorithm works well in every field. For real life sorting problem, asymptotic time complexity of this algorithm is linear and space complexity is --for the usage of two dimensional memory which makes it faster.










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