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  Knowledge Discovery in Database  
  Authors : Kiran S.Gaikwad
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The main aim of this paper is to expound about the knowledge discovery and data mining.Data warehouse brings the information from multiple sources so as to provide a consistent database source for decision support queries and off-load decision support applications from the on-line transaction system. Here, data is available but not information and not the right information at the right time. Data mining is extracting interest information or patterns from data in large databases.For processing the data there are many traditional and statistical methods of data analyses and spreadsheets are used to obtained informative reports from data but they can’t give the knowledge from data. Closet is an efficient algorithm which is scalable on large databases in order to get the important knowledge hidden inside the data. In this process a set of association rules are discovered at multiple levels of abstraction from the relevant sets of data in a database.


Published In : IJCSN Journal Volume 3, Issue 6

Date of Publication : December 2014

Pages : 532 - 535

Figures : 01

Tables : 04

Publication Link : Knowledge Discovery in Database




KIRAN S. GAIKWAD : Working as IT Lecturer, Government Polytechnic College. IT Experience: 4years. B.Tech (Computer Science)








Discovery in database

Data mining is an iterative process of extracting interesting knowledge from data in large databases. Where knowledge could be rules, patterns, regularities, relationships, constraints etc. Whereas KDD is the overall process of finding and interpreting knowledge from data it helps the workers in their everyday business activity and improve their productivity and also helps for knowledge workers like executives, managers, analysts to make faster and better decisions .So knowledge should be valid and potentially useful and then the hidden information in the database will be useful.










[1] Anahory S, & Dennis M, “Data Warehousing in the Real World” Kimball R, “Data Warehouse Toolkit”,John Wiley.