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  A New Technical Solution Prevention Deadlock for Resource Allocation in Heterogeneous Distributed Platforms  
  Authors : Nguyen Ha Huy Cuong; Dang Hung Vi; Le Van Son; Nguyen Thanh Thuy
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An allocation of resources to a virtual machine specifies the maximum amount of each individual element of each resource type that will be utilized, as well as the aggregate amount of each resource of each type. An allocation is thus represented by two vectors, a maximum elementary allocation vector and an aggregate allocation vector. There are more general types of resource allocation problems than those we consider here. In this paper, we present an approach for improving the deadlock prevention algorithm, to schedule the policies of resource supply for resource allocation on heterogeneous. The deadlock prevention algorithm has a run time complexity of O (min (m, n)), where m is the number of resources and n is the number of processes. We propose the algorithm for allocating multiple resources to competing services running in virtual machines on a heterogeneous distributed platform. The experiments also compare the performance of the proposed approach with other related work.


Published In : IJCSN Journal Volume 4, Issue 2

Date of Publication : April 2015

Pages : 266 - 272

Figures : 03

Tables : 03

Publication Link : A New Technical Solution Prevention Deadlock for Resource Allocation in Heterogeneous Distributed Platforms




Ha Huy Cuong Nguyen : received the M.S degrees in Danang University in 2010. From 2011 until now, he studied at the center DATIC, University of Science and Technology - The University of Da Nang. At the center of this research, he doctoral thesis "Studies deadlock prevention solutions in resource allocation for distributed virtual systems".








Cloud Computing

Resource Allocation

Heterogeneous Distributed Platforms

Prevention Detection

The proposed virtualization mechanism is used by the cloud service providers to group the appropriate cloud service providers and to distribute the cloud services within the number of the group. In providing a scalable sharing of resources, a group method for cloud service providers is supported in the proposed cloud system. Moreover, the task distribution from the resource management layer IaaS is improved by performing the proposed service assignment. In this paper, the service assign is the main algorithm for the virtualization mechanism which improves the resource allocation and task distribution throughout the hardware resource.










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