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  Anti Money Laundering Overall Customer Identification Schema & Data Concern  
  Authors : Evis DRINI ; Dr. Rovena BAHITI
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One of the main obligations resulting from AML directive is: Customer due diligence (CDD). Financial and Credit Institutions face the obligation to recognize AML customers and report their data accordingly. Knowing that these data already exists in some identified Data Bases such as: Civil State Offices, National Registration Centers, Ministries etc, then there is no need of creating multiple Data Bases for the same Customer Identification data, but there is the need of creating a data connection / exchange between these parties. The AML reporting is an obligatory EU directive and a country specific in force law obligation, so Public Institutions that posses Customer Identification Data Bases should cooperate with Financial Institutions to facilitate the process of Customer Identification thus enhancing the accuracy of data reported and Improving Customer Serving from these Financial Institutions. The intention of this research is to give an overview of the existing parties involved in Customer Identification, and listing the Pros and Cons of establishing a data communication between these parties.


Published In : IJCSN Journal Volume 4, Issue 2

Date of Publication : April 2015

Pages : 191 - 193

Figures : 02

Tables : --

Publication Link : Anti Money Laundering Overall Customer Identification Schema & Data Concern




Evis DRINI : has graduated the Faculty of Economic Business Informatics, Tirana University in 2007. She holds a post graduation master diploma in MBA Entrepreneurship from 2011 and is actually enrolled in PhD school in the same Faculty. She joined the Faculty of Economic staff as teaching assistant in 2008-2009 on the management of information systems subject. Having an experience of more than 7 years working as SW development, reporting and analysis in the banking sector, she currently holds the title of Senior Specialist (from 2011) on IT-department at National Commercial Bank of Albania. She is the author of 4 journal articles and conference papers in the field of information systems management, Anti Money Laundering and business informatics related fields. Her work focuses on the analysis and development of banking software applications and reporting issues.

Dr. Rovena BAHITI : has graduated the Faculty of Economic, Tirana University in 1998. She holds a PhD diploma in Economics from 2006 and she had gone through all didactic positions since 1999 when she joined the staff of the Faculty of Economic, teaching assistant in 1999, senior lecturer in 2006 and assistant professor in 2011. For several years she was full Professor of Business Informatics within the Department of Statistics and Applied Informatics at Faculty of Economic, Tirana University. Now she is the Director of National Computer Security Agency (ALCIRT). She is the author of more than 30 journal articles and conference papers in the field of management information system and other economic and informatics related fields. Her work focuses on the management of IT project and information systems.









Customer Identification

Customer Due Diligence

Setting a data connection between financial institutions and public institutions like Civil State Offices and Ministries to ease the non customer identification process, will lead to benefits for all the parties involved.










[1] Commission Of The European Communities. Brussels, 30.6.2009. Commission Staff Working Paper - Compliance with the anti-money laundering directive by cross-border banking groups at group level [Electronic version] Retrieved March 17, 2013 on the website http://ec.europa.eu/internal_market/company/docs/financ ial-crime/compli_cbb_en.pdf [2] http://cryptome.org/fincen022610.pdf [3] http://www.rbnz.govt.nz/regulation_and_supervision/antimoney_ laundering/guidance_and_publications/5506190. pdf