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  Extraction of Hadith Based on Semantic Annotation  
  Authors : Ruqaia J. Kadhim; Dr. Norita M. Norwawi; Dr. Adel M. Abdulaaziz; Ashraf Al_Omoush
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The term hadith refers tothe sources of basic law be referred and followed by Muslims after Holy Qur'an, however, the complexity of Arabic language including multi meanings and synonyms poses a lot of problem in term of extracting the actual context of the contents of the hadith fundamentally Allayat( Arabic verses) in the Qur’an and Hadiths which causes confusion and a lack of in-text retrieval .consequently, it becomes crucial to build the so-called semantic meaning of the content of Hadiths, which gives special characteristic of each hadith. In this paper we have presented a tool that provides semantic annotation to hadith document, which relates to the concept of prayer and all the hadith based on the concept of prayer content along with automatic information extraction (IE), suitable for the requirement of the Arabic language.


Published In : IJCSN Journal Volume 4, Issue 2

Date of Publication : April 2015

Pages : 273 - 280

Figures : 02

Tables : 02

Publication Link : Extraction of Hadith Based on Semantic Annotation




Ruqaia J. Kadhim : Science and Technology/Universiti Sains Islam/,Negeri Sembilan,Malasiay,0060

Dr. Norita M. Norwawi : Science and Technology/Universiti Sains Islam/,Negeri Sembilan,Malasiay,0060

Dr. Adel M. Abdulaaziz : Science and Technology/Universiti Sains Islam/,Negeri Sembilan,Malasiay,0060

Ashraf Al_Omoush : Science and Technology/Universiti Sains Islam/,Negeri Sembilan,Malasiay,0060








Arabic Ontology


Arabic Text Analysis

Semantic Annotation

This paper had presented the development of a semantic annotation tool with integrated information extraction for the domain of hadith. The novelty of this work is that the proposed tool had semantically produced annotated documents using ontology for salat.










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