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  Review of Web Enabled WSN Control and Monitoring through Cluster Head  
  Authors : Mayuri Raut; Vaishali Sahare
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Many research and development of cell found that establishing the wireless sensor nodes network and allow them to work as a cluster, but the problem with wireless sensor network is monitoring of cluster through cluster head because it has limitation of range. By establishing mobile network one can overcome on the limitation over world wide access and support to roaming everywhere due to non-standardized communication between multiple mobile service providers, By utilizing the advantage, of unlimited long distance accessibility due to this there is control over wireless sensor node cluster or network. Here we propose the system for wireless node cluster control and statistics monitoring using web enabled interface and the internet. Cluster node in the system will be responsible for communication with all nodes and allow to work as a middle ware between individual node and web interface.


Published In : IJCSN Journal Volume 4, Issue 2

Date of Publication : April 2015

Pages : 240 - 243

Figures : 02

Tables : --

Publication Link : Review of Web Enabled WSN Control and Monitoring through Cluster Head




Mayuri Raut : Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Nagpur University, Nagpur, India

Vaishali Sahare : Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Nagpur University, Nagpur, India








Wireless Sensor Network (WSN)

AVR Based Development Board

CC2500 Trans Receiver Modules

Sensors Modules (LDR)

Controlling Devices (Light)

As proposed system is mainly design to monitor the heat level in order to detect fire at forest it is expected by the system that is should efficiently work autonomously and inform cluster head about its reading so that remote user can have better access over it and also system provide security using encryption technique. Major limitation of wireless sensor node monitoring is it’s limitation of range. Wireless has very less distance communication. Using mobile network we can control the WSN but still it has a limitation over multiple states and country. As in web application has a great advantage of anytime anywhere access ability so, by designing the web enabled system we can give this advantage to WSN. The scope of the system is it let its user operate his WSN node network from any platform and from anywhere through just internet connection. By implementing the network head system will having single point of control and communication.










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