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  Improved Twitter Sentiment Prediction through ‘Cluster-then-Predict Model’  
  Authors : Rishabh Soni; K. James Mathai
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Over the past decade humans have experienced exponential growth in the use of online resources, in particular social media and microblogging websites such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and also mobile applications such as WhatsApp, Line, etc. Many companies have identified these resources as a rich mine of marketing knowledge. This knowledge provides valuable feedback which allows them to further develop the next generation of their product. In this paper, sentiment analysis of a product is performed by extracting tweets about that product and classifying the tweets showing it as positive and negative sentiment. The authors propose a hybrid approach which combines unsupervised learning in the form of K-means clustering to cluster the tweets and then performing supervised learning methods such as Decision Trees and Support Vector Machines for classification.


Published In : IJCSN Journal Volume 4, Issue 4

Date of Publication : August 2015

Pages : 559 - 563

Figures :05

Tables : 02

Publication Link : Improved Twitter Sentiment Prediction through ‘Cluster-then-Predict Model’




Mr. Rishabh Soni : is B.E. (Computer Science and Engineering) from Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal. Currently pursuing his M.TECH (Computer Technology and Applications) from NITTTR Bhopal.

Dr. K. James Mathai : is working as Associate Professor in Department of Computer Engineering and Applications, NITTTR, Bhopal.










Decision Trees

Sentiment Analysis

Social Media

This paper presents a hybrid mechanism- ‘Cluster-thenpredict Model’ to improve accuracy of predicting twitter sentiment. The possibility of combining both unsupervised learning and supervised learning, in the form of K-means clustering and Random Forest, respectively performed better, than various supervised learning algorithms, such as CART, SVM, logistic Regression, etc.










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