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  An Approach of Cross-Domain Sentiment Analysis for Opinion Mining  
  Authors : Dr. Mrs. S. P. Khandait; 2.Dr. P. D. Khandait; Mr. Pravin D. Jambhulkar
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Now a day’s sentiment analysis is important for various task and applications like market analysis, opinion mining, contextual advertising, etc. Domain generalization remains a challenge in sentiment analysis hence this paper proposed methodologies to perform cross-domain sentiment analysis. In cross-domain sentiment analysis, classifier trained on one domain is used to classify other domain. We create a glossary using labeled data from source domain and unlabeled data from both source and target domain. This glossary is used to handle a feature mismatch problem, and contains clusters of semantically similar words. For generating a glossary, first we calculate the co-occurrence matrix by point wise mutual information (pmi) [22] and using distributional hypothesis [23] we efficiently create a glossary. At test time, this glossary will be used to find the similar words, and hence solve the feature mismatch problem. Proposed methodologies will really outperform and achieve accuracy near to domain adaptation.


Published In : IJCSN Journal Volume 5, Issue 2

Date of Publication : April 2016

Pages : --

Figures :01

Tables : 02

Publication Link : An Approach of Cross-Domain Sentiment Analysis for Opinion Mining




Dr. Mrs. S. P. Khandait : Professor & Head of Information Technology Dept., K.D.K. College of Engineering Nagpur, Maharashtra, India

Dr. P. D. Khandait : Professor & Head of Electronics Engineering Dept., K.D.K. College of Engineering Nagpur, Maharashtra, India

Mr. Pravin D. Jambhulkar : Assistant Professor of Computer Technology Dept., K.D.K. College of Engineering Nagpur, Maharashtra, India








cross-domain, sentiment glossary, feature vector, distributional relatedness

We present an approach of cross-domain sentiment analysis in which we create a sentiment glossary which will used to handle the feature mismatch problem of cross-domain sentiment classification. We created a glossary using labeled and unlabeled instances of source and target domain in which we apply PMI and distributional relatedness measure to compute the co-occurrences and similarity among the words. Finally we present how to extend review features which will further used to train a binary classifier.










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