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  Enhancing Speed of XML Data Mining on GPU  
  Authors : Deepak V. Mangela; Manoj A. Kale; Sandip M. Walunj
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We propose a system for data mining dynamic XML document using a GPU. As a GPU is capable of processing in parallel in real time, it promises on increasing the speed of data discovery process. Nvidia has provided its CUDA platform to utilize its graphics processor for implementing non-graphical algorithms on it. The WWW is structured over the Extensive Markup Language (XML) and hence provides access to the data structured over the WWW. The main objective is to find association rules by extracting items on XML nodes into the XML documents. The use of GPU comes in picture in the pre-processing phase and sorting phase when the item set is being shortened over the occurrences of the items, as this process takes a lot of time the use of a GPU promises a very significant decrease in the pre-processing time.


Published In : IJCSN Journal Volume 5, Issue 2

Date of Publication : April 2016

Pages : --

Figures :01

Tables : --

Publication Link : Enhancing Speed of XML Data Mining on GPU




Deepak V. Mangela : B.E Computer Department Sandip Institute of Technology and Research Center, SPPU University Nashik, India

Manoj A. Kale : B.E Computer Department Sandip Institute of Technology and Research Center, SPPU University Nashik, India

Sandip M. Walunj : B.E Computer Department Sandip Institute of Technology and Research Center, SPPU University Nashik, India








GPU, Data Mining, XML, CUDA, Parallel Processing

The findings of this paper suggests that the only use of graphics processors is not only just implementing graphical algorithms but their parallel processing architecture can be made use to enhance the speeds of other non-graphical algorithms too. In the near future the graphics processors would not be known for just increasing the visual experience and imaging but would also be known in every field where there is a need of fast processing and computational power.










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