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  Prediction of Baby Face before Delivery Based on Parent’s Face using Image Processing  
  Authors : Ganesh Padole; Ashwini Gharde; Mahesh Panjwani; Nischal Puri
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It is always an interesting topic for each parent that how will be the face of newly born baby. Whether it will be as his/ her mother or like father. This paper depict some analysis on different baby faces and concludes the percentage of baby faces like his / her father or mother, grandfather or grandmother.


Published In : IJCSN Journal Volume 5, Issue 2

Date of Publication : April 2016

Pages : 307 - 309

Figures :03

Tables : --

Publication Link : Prediction of Baby Face before Delivery Based on Parent’s Face using Image Processing




Mr. Ganesh Padole : Assistant Professor, CT Department Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering and Research, Nagpur

Ms. Ashwini Gharde : Assistant Professor, HoD, MCA Department Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering and Research, Nagpur

Mr. Mahesh Panjwani : Assistant Professor, Priyadarshani College of Engineering, Nagpur

Mr. Nischal Puri : Assistant Professor, Priyadarshani College of Engineering, Nagpur








Baby Faces; Image Processing

With this system, we conclude that if some samples are taken, then percentage of baby face recognition before his/ her birth can be predicted. In future work, one can take 100-500 samples and an analysis can be done on different face attributes like eyebrow, chicks etc.










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