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  Improved Technique for Simulation of Digital Forensic Architecture Framework in Cloud  
  Authors : Smita Kamble; Sulabha Patil; Rajiv Dharaskar
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Digital forensic is part of forensic science that implicitly covers crime that is related to computer technology. computer and network forensics have evolved to assure proper presentation of computer crime evidentiary data into court. The main purpose of forensic is to identify the origin while maintaining the chain of custody in order to enable the legal process to take its due course. Digital forensics is essential for the successful prosecution of digital criminals which involve diverse digital devices such as computer system devices, network devices, mobile devices and storage devices. If any computer related incident happens, fundamental questions to answer are when and where the incident occurred and, from which device, system and geographic location did the incident originate. In this paper a cyber crime, digital evidence investigation requires a special procedures and techniques in order to be used and be accepted in court of law. Generally, the goals of these special processes are to identify the origin of the incident reported as well as maintaining the chain of custody so that the legal process can take its option.While digital investigations have recently become more common, physical investigations have existed for thousands of years and the experience from them can be applied to the digital world.


Published In : IJCSN Journal Volume 5, Issue 3

Date of Publication : June 2016

Pages : 489-496

Figures :08

Tables : --

Publication Link : Improved Technique for Simulation of Digital Forensic Architecture Framework in Cloud




Smita Kamble : Computer Engineering, Department of M.TECH CSE Tulsiramji Gaikwad-Patil College of Engineering and Technology Nagpur, India

Sulabha Patil : Computer Engineering, Department of M.TECH CSE Tulsiramji Gaikwad-Patil College of Engineering and Technology Nagpur, India

Rajiv Dharaskar : Computer Engineering, Department of M.TECH CSE Tulsiramji Gaikwad-Patil College of Engineering and Technology Nagpur, India








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