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  Personalizing Web Search based on User Profile  
  Authors : Sharyu Utage; Vijaya Ahire
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Web Search engine is most widely used for information retrieval from World Wide Web. These Web Search engines help user to find most useful information. When different users Searches for same information, search engine provide same result without understanding who is submitted that query. Personalized web search it is search technique for proving useful result. This paper models preference of users as hierarchical user profiles. a framework is proposed called UPS. It generalizes profile and maintaining privacy requirement specified by user at same time.


Published In : IJCSN Journal Volume 5, Issue 6

Date of Publication : December 2016

Pages : 854-858

Figures :02

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Sharyu Utage : Computer Science and Engineering, Dr BAMU Jawaharlal Nehru Engineering College, Aurangabad.

Vijaya Ahire : Computer Science and Engineering, Dr BAMU Jawaharlal Nehru Engineering College, Aurangabad.








Profile, Privacy Protection, Personalized Web Search, UPS, Generalization, Query

This paper presented a client-side privacy protection framework called UPS for personalized web search. UPS could potentially be adopted by any PWS that captures user profiles in a hierarchical taxonomy. In this paper, we provide better efficiency results when compared with existing system. It provides privacy mechanism when adversaries retrieve the results by using background knowledge. In this similarities are calculated based on the similarity algorithm.


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