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  Analysis of Variables Affecting Work Motivation in Yogyakarta Street Vendor Association Cooperative (KPPKLY)  
  Authors : FX.Suwarto; Arief Subyantoro
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The current study was conducted in Yogyakarta Street Vendor Association Cooperative (KPPKLY). It aims to determine and analyze: (1) work motivation, (2) appraisal of the variables affecting work motivation, (3) the significance of the effect of the nine variables on work motivation, and (4) variables with most significant effect on work motivation. Data collection techniques adopted in this study take the forms of questionnaires and interviews. The variables in this study consist of independent variables (X): wage (X.1) workplace (X.2), work equipment (X.3), employees’ attitude toward their jobs (X.4), co-workers’ attitude toward each other (X.5), trust and responsibility (X.6), the need for performance improvement (X.7), the need for achievement (X.8), and dependent variable (Y): work motivation. Data analysis was conducted using SPSS. The results indicate that: (1) employees’ work motivation is strong; (2) employees provide a good appraisal for the variables affecting work motivation; (3) simultaneously, the eight variables have a significant effect on work motivation; and (4) the need for achievement has the most significant effect on work motivation. From the results of analysis we can conclude that the eight variables have the most significant effect on work motivation. To increase employees’ work motivation, managers are expected to consistently pay attention to the eight variables, especially the need for achievement (X.8) considering its most significant effect on work motivation and it important role in ensuring sustainable business enterprise.


Published In : IJCSN Journal Volume 6, Issue 5

Date of Publication : October2017

Pages : 635-642

Figures :01

Tables : 06


FX.Suwarto : A Professor of Economics, Atma Jaya University, Yogyakarta.

Arief Subyantoro : A Professor of Economics and Business , National Development University “Veteran” Yogyakarta.


motivation, employees, cooperative, business enterprise, manager

First, employees’ work motivation at KPPKLY is strong. The reason this is the fact that the computation using analysis of average count indicates the value of 3.8432, which lies between 3.40 – 4.19 intervals. This means that hypothesis 1—employees’ work motivation at KPPKLY is strong—is supported. Second, KPPKLY employees provide good appraisal for the variables that affect their work motivation. This was indicated by the following results of calculation using analysis of average count: wage = 3.778, workplace = 3.8595, work equipment = 3.7081, employees’ attitude toward their jobs = 3.8270, co-workers’ attitude toward each other = 3.8514, trust and responsibility = 3.7868, the need for performance improvement = 3.9270 and the need for achievement = 3.7027, all of which lie between 3.40 – 4.19 intervals. This means that hypothesis 2—employees provide good appraisal for the variables that affect their work motivation—is supported. Third, two independent variables—the need for achievement and employees’ attitude toward their jobs—do affect work motivation. This can be seen from the value of Adjusted R squared: 0.668 or 66.8%. This indicates that 66.8% of employees’ work motivation is affected by the two variables, while the remaining 39.6% is affected by other variables not included in the research model.


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