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  My Privacy My Authorization: Control of Photograph Sharing in Online Social Media  
  Authors : Nirajkumar Kunturkar; Dr. S.N.Kakarwal
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Image sharing is the new cool feature which is successful in ruling Online Social Networks (OSNs). Unknowingly, it may expose users¶ privacy if they can post, comment, and tag a photo without any restriction. In this paper, we are attempting to address this issue and study the scenario when a user shares a photo containing individuals¶ other than himself/ herself (referred as co-photo for short). To refrain the possible privacy leakage of a photograph, we are suggesting an approach to entitle everyone in a photo to acknowledge the act of image posting and enable them to be a decisive authority on the photo sharing. To achieve this feat, we require coherent facial recognition (FR) system to identify everyone in the photo. However, as the need of the privacy concerns in people increases it may limit the publicly available photos to train the FR system. To deal with this trauma, we suggest an approach to consider private photos to design personalized FR system which can be trained to recognize possible co-owners without compromising their privacy. With our suggested approach, we think the computational complexity will reduce as we are not relying on the photos available on social platform for the training purpose but instead asking users to provide their photos from their gallery which is reliable source and the private training set is also not exposed on the platform to maintain secrecy about this dataset.


Published In : IJCSN Journal Volume 6, Issue 6

Date of Publication : December 2017

Pages : 694-701

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Nirajkumar Kunturkar : received B.Tech. from COEP, Pune university in Information Technology. At Present he is pursuing M.E. in department of Computer Science and Engineering, P.E.S. College of Engineering, Aurangabad, MS-India.

S. N. Kakarwal : received Ph.D., M.E. and B.E. degree in Computer Science and Engineering. She Presently working as Professor in Department of Computer Science and Engineering, P.E.S. College of Engineering, Aurangabad, MS-India. Her research interests include Image Processing, Pattern Recognition and Artificial Neural Network. In these areas, she has published 28 research papers in leading Journals, National and International conferences proceedings. She has bagged 3 Best paper award.


Online social networks, FR system, Open social, privacy

Photo sharing is amongst the top activities on online social networks such as facebook and it has got lot of popularity in recent times. Unfortunately, and unwillingly careless photo post, may reveal individual¶s privacy appearing in a photo. To get rid of the privacy concern, we have proposed an approach which enables everyone appearing in a photo to give permission before photo is getting posted publicly on a platform. We have designed a privacy preserving FR system to identify each individual in a photo. This system has pure confidentiality of the photos used for training. We have carried out experiment with standard database to show the effectiveness and the capability of the system to protect the privacy of the user. The analysis carried out shows the efficiency of the system; with the Face94db we observed that the identification of a user when his photo is given to the system it identified the user correctly in all of the three Eigen, RGB pixel comparison and fisher algorithms correctly. All of the test data for 11 users; 5 photos each recognized correctly.


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