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  Research Aids for Social Media Analytics  
  Authors : Anita Kumari Singh; Mogalla Shashi
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Social media analytics helps us get simplified insights on data generated on various social media platforms by millions of people through variety of activities. The core of analytics is identifying the patterns and activities on these platforms so that social media professionals can make better social media strategies. This paper introduces the general approach to social media analytics, and then elaborates on the various phases of analytics. Essentially, identifying credible sources of mineable social media content is very important. The applications for collecting data are authenticated using OAuth and proceed for collecting the required contents suitable for the purpose of analytics using APIs and built-in language libraries. Data is pre-processed and data modeling techniques are applied to gain valuable insights. Presenting the results in simple understandable form using appropriate visualization techniques is again important to interpret the results.


Published In : IJCSN Journal Volume 6, Issue 6

Date of Publication : December 2017

Pages : 753-759

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Anita Kumari Singh : Research Scholar, Department of Computer Science & Systems Engineering, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, India.

Mogalla Shashi : Professor, Department of Computer Science & Systems Engineering, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, India.


Social Media Analytics, open source tools

Social media data has a lot of knowledge hidden in its huge volumes of noisy, unstructured and dynamic collection of data. Thus social media analytics has become extremely important issue for organization and modern researchers to extract promising outcomes using the emerging fields like Bigdata Analytics, Deep Learning and others. This paper is an overview of various phases involved in social media analytics, with focus on most of the open source tools useful for researchers while there a numerous proprietary tools for more complicated and real time analytics.


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