In this paper, a consensus-based network coordination problem for microgrids (MGs) and MG clusters is considered. The
designed model focuses on optimizing the data sharing between the agents attached to each component of a MG system, in particular:
distributed energy resource's agents and those of intelligent circuit breakers (i-CBs), in order to provide resilience to abrupt changes in
microgrid topologies - since dispatch process and reconfiguration of data are not handled in a centralized manner. The long-term goal is
to evaluate the impact of integrating high penetration of DERs on the through by using consensus distributed agent-based approach. On
the other hand, the proposed method combines the performances integrated in the adaptive consensus algorithm (ACA) with that of the
optimal power flow (OPF) to enhance the convergence towards the optimal cost. Due to communication network constraints, the agents
are connected only to nearby neighbors. However, by using the enhanced distributed algorithm, DER agents may discover the required
global information and hence compute new references for updating the optimal path. A MG test system is illustrated in order to validate
the improvement of the presented method, and an under Matlab M-code based simulation results show the effectiveness of the enhanced
Published In:IJCSN Journal Volume 7, Issue 6
Date of Publication : December 2018
Pages : 320-326
Figures :09
Tables : 02
Moaad Aboumalik :
was born in
Marrakech, Morocco, in 1986. He
received the "Ingénieur d'Etat - mention
Bien" degree in: Telecom Systems &
Computer Networks from the "ENSA"
College of Applied Sciences of
Abdelmalek Essaadi University in
Morocco (Tetuan in 2011), and the B.S
degree in: Electro-technical Engineering
from the "EST" College of Technology at
the University of Moulay Ismail in Morocco
(Meknes in 2008). Since 2013, he was with the Electronics &
Microwaves Research Group, in the Faculty of Sciences of Tetuan
where he is currently studying toward a PhD degree in: Electrical
Engineering & Renewable Energy. He is involved in the field of
Smart Systems and Green IT where he holds a patent (OMPIC MA
39671 A1) and his current research is concerning about designing
new ICT architectures for Microgrid systems with particular
emphasis on Consensus-based data sharing; Power Sharing and
Hierarchical Control in Islanded mode. Eng. Moaad Aboumalik is
also a member in the International Neural Networks Society
(INNS) since 2017.
Mohamed EL Brak :
Dr. Professor of
Computer Science in the Faculty of
Sciences and techniques of Tangier, at
Abdelmalek Essaadi University in
Morocco. He was born in Ksar EL Kebir,
Morocco, in 1969. He received the "Physic
BS" degree in electronics from the Faculty
of Sciences in Tetuan, at Abdelmalek
Essaadi University, Morocco (in 1993), and the "DEA" degree in data processing from Hassan II University
of Casablanca (in 1995), and a PhD in Telecommunications from
Abdelmalek Essaadi University in 2003. He is Member of:
Computer Science, Systems & Telecoms Laboratory (LISIT Lab.)
at the FST Faculty of Tangier, He was a member of the Organizing
and Scientific Committees of several symposia and conferences
dealing with topics related to Computer Sciences and Engineering.
His research interests include patsh antenna design, Ad-hoc
networks and Wireless Sensor Networks for Smart Grid
Mohamed Essaaidi :
Prof. Dr., IEEE
Senior Member has been the Dean of
"ENSIAS" College of Engineering of
Mohammed V University, Rabat,
Morocco since December 2011 and he
was a Professor of Electrical &
Computer Engineering at Abdelmalek
Essaadi University, Morocco from 1993
till 2011. He is the founder and past
Chairman of the IEEE Morocco Section
(2005-2015), co-founder of "IEEE
Antennas and Propagation Society" and
"Microwave Theory and Techniques Society Morocco Joint
Chapter". He has been a member of "IEEE Global Committee on
Accreditation activities" since 2016. He has authored and coauthored
5 books and more than 200 papers in international
refereed journals and conferences in the field of Electrical and
Information and Communication Technologies. He has been the
Editor-in-Chief of International Journal on Information and
Communication Technologies, Serial Publications, India (2007-
2011). He is also an active member of the editorial boards of
several IEEE and other indexed international journals in the field of
information and communication technologies. Furthermore, he
holds 10 patents in the field of Information and Communication
Technologies. He was also a member of the "IEEE 802.16
Sponsor Ballot Pool" of IEEE Standard Association that defined
the technical specifications for WiMAX. Prof. Essaaidi supervised
several PhD and Masters Theses and has been the principal
investigator and the project manager for several international
research projects.
Microgrid (MG), distributed energy resources (DERs), optimal power flow (OPF), adaptive consensus algorithm (ACA)
As an overview of a modified method for optimal
power control in mesh MGs, this paper involved
fundamental concepts of the main methodologies. An OPF
theory based agent consensus performances was modeled,
and for information discovery, ACA was enabled.
Regrouping these specifications has led to a fully
information discovery process which was distributed such
that each node only needs to communicate with its direct
neighbors. Simulation results provides optimal solution in
terms of rapid iteration convergence and gives an
alternative to the previously ACA algorithms in the case of
small meshed MG systems. In contrast, it should be
necessary to overhaul the test model with a high number of
DERs and for a more realistic setup, more effort should be
put on a description of flexible DERs and its costs settings.
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