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  Internet of Things: Current Analysis of IOT Applications, Architecture and Security Issues  
  Authors : Priyanka Tyagi; Sudeshna Chakraborty; Pranav Mishra
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Needless to say that the current hype around the Internet of Things (IoT) is huge. In everyday life a new company announces IoT enabled product. And it gives some (biased) prediction of the market is going where. What companies search for on Twitter, what companies write on google, and what companies talk about on LinkedIn. IoT market will hit $7.1 trillion in revenue by 2020. This paper comes up with a current analysis of IOT Applications. The following sections comprise of a conceptual study of a overview of IOT requirements and the security, privacy, legal and regulatory implications of IoT and future concerns of IOT.


Published In : IJCSN Journal Volume 7, Issue 6

Date of Publication : December 2018

Pages : 339-343

Figures :05

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Priyanka Tyagi : IT Department, IP University, New Delhi,India.

Sudeshna Chakraborty : CSE Department, Sharda University,New Delhi ,India.

Pranav Mishra : Management Department,IP University, Delhi,India.


Analysis of IOT trends, Architecture and requirements, Security Issues, Challenges, Future concerns of IOT

Based on the studies and anlysis report of the Internet Of Things (IOT), we can say that this sector is in the first steps of development and have a lot of scope/potential in the development of applications. It is looks like a trend in all the fields to have one of these products and that is very good scope for the future of the Internet Of Things .The security and the privacy of the data are two of the most important points. A lot of researchres concerns about the security of the products regarding these problems. Our proposed purposal of the iot security include in which culture of security considered throughout the entire development lifecycle of an IoT product, not treat security as a single instance.

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