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  Design and Implementation of Arduino Based Air Quality Measurement Meter with Digital Dashboard on Smartphone Using Blynk  
  Authors : Aktaruzzaman Ridoy; Md Nazim Uddin Nayim; Fabiha Tafannum; Md Mamun Ali
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Air pollution is one such form that refers to the contamination of the air. Due to our unawareness, air is being polluted in many ways. Nowadays air pollution has turned out to be one of the significant issues because of increment in the quantity of Mills, factories, and Vehicles. Mills and factories make air seriously polluted by emitting smoke and poisonous gases. Vehicle burns petrol and diesel. As a result, smoke and fume are produced and they are seriously causing air pollution. Internet of things (IoT) based pollution system is used to detect the current level of hazardous gases in the atmosphere. The IoT based pollution system will help us to fetch the data from any location where the device is installed. All the data we can able to see in the smartphone app. In this project, we have used the Blynk app.


Published In : IJCSN Journal Volume 8, Issue 1

Date of Publication : February 2019

Pages : 58-63

Figures :16

Tables : --


Aktaruzzaman Ridoy : School of Computer Science, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Nanjing 210023, China.

Md Nazim Uddin Nayim : School of Computer Science, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Nanjing 210023, China.

Fabiha Tafannum : School of Computer Science, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Nanjing 210023, China.

Md Mamun Ali : School of Computer Science, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Nanjing 210023, China.


Internet of Things (IoT), Gas Sensor, Humidity sensor, PM2.5/PM10 sensor (SDSO11), Arduino Uno, Blynk Software.

The proposed IoT based air quality measurement system is a good device to measure the air quality in outdoors and indoors. This device can be useful to measure the level of gases in a highly dense area like markets, bus stand, railway station etc. from the remote-control room. If data is stored, we can use the data for further experiments which can conclude a significant result. This system is IoT based so it can be used in the smart home for the purpose of cooling, ventilation and other purposes. IoT will enhance the artificial intelligence in the world, so the system can be used in automated systems in factories and industries. The system to monitor the air of environment using Arduino microcontroller, IoT Technology is proposed to improve quality of air. With the use of IoT technology enhances the process of monitoring various aspects of environment such as air quality monitoring issue proposed. Here using of MQ135 gas sensor gives the sense of different type of dangerous gas and Arduino is the heart of this project which controls the entire process. Wi-Fi module connects the whole process to internet and LCD is used for the visual Output.


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