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  Automatic Colorization of Black and White Images using Deep Learning  
  Authors : Sindhuja Kotala; Srividya Tirumalasetti; Vudaru Nemitha; Swapna Munigala
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The main aim of our paper is to give an overall idea about how a grayscale image can be converted into a colorful image with the colorization problem and how it can further be used to color a video. To achieve artifact-free quality this generally requires manual reconciliation and therefore considered as a very strenuous problem . A cautious selection of colorful allusion images are generally required for the process. Far from the preceding methods, this paper aims at a high grade fully unmanned colorization method and also attempt to apply this concept to images obtained from video sequences. The recent achievements in deep learning approaches is the inspiration behind this paper, that focuses on reformulation of the problem of colorization so as we can employ the deep learning approaches promptly and that this technique can be applied on to the videos. Our proposed method is a fully automated process. To our best apprehension, no prevailing papers or research studies label this issue of using deep learning techniques to colorize videos.


Published In : IJCSN Journal Volume 8, Issue 2

Date of Publication : April 2019

Pages : 125-131

Figures :08

Tables : --


Sindhuja Kotala : is currently pursuing B.E III-Year, CSE at Stanley college of Engineering and Technologies affiliated to Osmania University. Her area of interests are Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning , Deep Learning, Predictive Analysis.

Srividya Tirumalasetti : is currently pursuing B.E IIIYear, CSE at Stanley college of Engineering and Technologies affiliated to Osmania University. Her area of interests are Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning.

Vudaru Nemitha : is currently pursuing B.E III-Year, CSE at Stanley college of Engineering and Technologies affiliated to Osmania University.

Swapna Munigala : CSE Department, Osmania University- Stanley college of Engineering and Technology for Women, Asst Prof CSE Dept, Hyderabad, Telangana 500036, India


Deep learning, Convoluted neural networks, Machine learning

We have presented a method of fully automatic colorization of unique greyscale images combining stateof- the-art CNN techniques[5]. Using color representation and the right loss function, we have represented that the method is capable of producing a plausible and vibrant colorization of certain parts of images that has properties which may be applied to video sequences also. Our model does very well with the animals like cats and dogs because the dataset we chose i.e., ImageNet consists large amount of pictures of these animals[12]. Even the outdoor scenes turnout very good with our model. The model also captures notion of sunset and paints it orange.


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