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  The Effect of Work Stress, Compensation and Motivation on Organizational Commitment  
  Authors : FX. Suwarto; Arief Subyantoro
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The present study investigates the effect of work stress, compensation, and motivation on organizational commitment among production employees. It also aims to determine and analyze the levels of work stress, compensation, and motivation among them. The data were collected by means of a questionnaire study distributed to production employees, consisting of 67 respondents of 200 populations. We used a descriptive analysis to describe the levels of work stress, compensation and motivation. To determine the extent to which work stress, compensation, and motivation affect organizational commitment, we employ a multiple linear regression. T-test and f-test are used to test the hypothesis. The results indicate that the levels of work stress, compensation, and motivation the objects studied are moderate. The results also concluded that work stress, compensation, and motivation simultaneously affect organizational commitment by 78.9%, while the rest 20.2% is described by other variables not included in the model studied.


Published In : IJCSN Journal Volume 8, Issue 2

Date of Publication : April 2019

Pages : 115-119

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FX. Suwarto : Economics and Business, Budi Luhur University Jakarta, Indonesia.

Arief Subyantoro : Economics and Business, National Depelovment University "Veteran" Yogyakarta, Indonesia.


Work stress, compensation, motivation, organizational commitment

Based on the analysis and discussion in the previous sections, the descriptive statistic described that work stress among employees, compensation, and work motivation fall into a moderate category.


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