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  Segmentation of Skin Lesion towards Melanoma Skin Cancer Classification  
  Authors : Nay Chi Lynn; Nu War
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Melanoma is one form of skin cancer which is one of the most hazardous types of cancer happened in people. Incidence of skin cancer has been increasing over decades due to excess exposure of radiations from sun causing erosion to skin melanin. The automatic detection of melanoma in dermatological images is a challenging task because of the diverse contrast of skin lesions, the magnitude of melanoma within the class, and the utmost optical similarity to melanoma and lesions other than melanoma and the beingness of many artifacts in the lesion pictures. In this work, the skin lesion analysis system to aid for the melanoma detection is proposed. Firstly, the skin lesion from dermoscopy images is automatically segmented with the use of texture filters. Then, the features according to the underlying ABCD dermatology rules are then extracted from the segmented skin lesion. Finally, the system is classified by random subspace ensemble classifier in order to determine the images as benign or malignant melanoma The performance of the study was experimented with their precision and it achieves with compromising results.


Published In : IJCSN Journal Volume 8, Issue 3

Date of Publication : June 2019

Pages : 200-206

Figures :05

Tables : 05


Nay Chi Lynn : Image Processing Lab, University of Computer Studies, Mandalay Mandalay, Myanmar.

Nu War : Faculty of Computer Systems and Technologies, University of Computer Studies, Mandalay Mandalay, Myanmar.


Melanoma; Skin Cancer; Segmentation; Feature Extraction; Classification

In this study, a model for the segmentation of skin lesions is proposed. Lesion areas are initially segmented using proposed texture based method and various features underlying ABCD rules are extracted to represent segmented lesion areas. Then the classification is performed with different classifiers. Experiments are conducted on our on the ISBI 2016 challenging dataset and PH2 dataset. The proposed segmentation algorithm can provide accurate segmentation results in order to use in segmentation task of skin lesion and the proposed feature is robust according to the weight value resulted from feature selection algorithm. In classification process, random subspace ensemble algorithm with feature data optimized by relief algorithm give better classification results for benign or melanoma cancer classification. The current research work address only to the classification of pigmented skin lesion as either benign or malignant melanomas skin cancer. Therefore, classification of various pigmented skin lesions such as Melanomas, Nevus, BCC, Seborrheic Keratoses, etc would be studied as the future research work.


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