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  Semi-Supervised Drug Repositioning Framework based on Drug, Target, and Disease Fingerprints  
  Authors : Eman Ismail
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Drug Repositioning makes a significant contribution to industry and research due to its ability to reduce the time and cost of drug discovery through making use of the existing drugs. At the time of writing this research, many computational methods have been proposed; however, few of them were able to integrate chemical space (drugs) and genomic space (targets) with disease space. In addition, using the feature-based method in Drug Target Interaction (DTI) and Target Disease Interaction (TDI) models are not wellexploited. Hence, developing an efficient approach in order to predict potential DTI and TDI is necessary. In this research, we introduce an integrated computational framework to predict potential interactions of drug-target and target-disease basing on features extracted from drugs, targets, and diseases using various learning methods (e.g., Random Forest, Decision Trees, Logistic Regression).


Published In : IJCSN Journal Volume 8, Issue 3

Date of Publication : June 2019

Pages : 331-338

Figures :06

Tables : 03


Eman Ismail : Computer Science Department, Faculty of Computers and Information Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt.


Discriminant analysis, face recognition, featureextraction, graph-based embedding, local discriminant embedding (LDE), small-sample-size (SSS) problem

For enhancing the drug repositioning problem, we involved the target as a link between drug and disease classes; most of the developed approaches do not address the problem as two relations: drug-target and targetdisease. Conducted experiments revealed that involving the target information boosts the performance relatively. The two models we defined, i.e., the Drug Target Interaction (DTI) and Target Disease Interaction (TDI), showed that the target correlated with both the drug and disease. In addition, applying the Positive-Unlabeled (PU) approach to obtain distribution from the unlabeled space caused our models to be unbiased towards the positive predictions. Using the feature-based approach for the DTI and TDI models was an efficient solution to overcome the limitations practiced in the similarity and network approaches. Although Drug Repositioning is an efficient way to shorten the drug discovery process, we still need, not surprisingly, input from expertise in biochemistry to validate our findings.


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