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  The Role of Technology in Tracking COVID 19 Patients and their Contacts  
  Authors : Aniruddha Pispati; Bharadwaj K.S.S; Apparao M.L.V.
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The number of COVID-19 cases is surging around the world. With a vaccine likely to be unavailable for several months, countries are working on strategies to contain the spread of the virus even as they lift restrictions on the movement of their citizens. Contact tracing is a method that has been employed by several countries to limit the spread of COVID-19. It includes tracing and quarantining people who have been infected with the disease or exposed to the virus. Manual contact tracing has to rely heavily on human memory in times of stress, is time-intensive, and needs to reach a large scale in order to be an effective tool to combat the disease. Artificial intelligence (AI) and other technologies can help overcome these challenges and achieve the goal. There are multiple ways of using technology in contact tracing, with several nations producing their own solutions. This article reviews the use of technology in available methods of contact tracing along with the limitations, concerns and challenges of those techniques. With appropriate safeguards, technology-based contact tracing methods will help us to manage the current infection spreads and the future spikes that are expected, while continuing to allow our economies to remain open.


Published In : IJCSN Journal Volume 9, Issue 3

Date of Publication : June 2020

Pages : 140-146

Figures :07

Tables : 01


Aniruddha Pispati : obtained the B.S. degree in Computer Engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA. He has interned at Salesforce, Yahoo and NCSA in USA, and is currently Software Engineer at Endimension Technology, IIT Bombay. His primary interests include cyber security and artificial intelligence.

Bharadwaj K.S.S. : obtained the B. Tech in Aerospace Engineering from IIT Chennai, and M. Tech in Computer Science & Engineering from IIT Bombay. He worked for Edutor Technologies Hyderabad where he developed p roprietary in house tools for windows and android platforms, and then for General Electric Bangalore where he was awarded "GE Global Award for External Focus". He is Founder and CEO of Endimension Technology, IIT Bombay.

Apparao M.L.V. : obtained the B. Tec h in Chemical Engineering from Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai, in 2012. He was subsequently Research Scientist at Asian Paints (2012 2015) and then Techno Marketing Researcher at Huntsman International (2015 2018). His Patents published US10040 886B2(USA), EP2999726B1. He is Co Founder and COO, Endimension Technology, IIT Bombay.


COVID-19; Contact tracing; Technology in contact tracing; Artificial intelligence; Mobile applications in COVID-19; Coronavirus.

Contact tracing has been adopted to various degrees by different nations. Some countries have deployed mobile applications on a large scale, incorporating Bluetooth, location tracking, and artificial intelligence technologies; others have opted for establishing software solutions based on video analytics and machine learning, that work with physical systems. These techniques have a lot of benefits. While it may be too early to see how contact tracing technological solutions have improved our current situation, we should continue to apply vigorous contact tracing.


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