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  Anti Forensics of Data in Classical and Quantum Systems Over the Classical Communication Channels  
  Authors : Divya Shree S; Anjan K Koundinya; Bharathi R
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In this work, anti-forensics of data in classical and quantum computers over the classical communication channel, storage devices are discussed. The general methodology to apply anti - forensics in storage media without using expensive tools and with low risk of detection on both classical and quantum computers are compared.


Published In : IJCSN Journal Volume 9, Issue 4

Date of Publication : August 2020

Pages : 160-162

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Divya Shree S : member IEEE is currently pursuing Masters degree in Computer Science and Engineering in BMS Institute of Technology and Management. She has 4 years of work experience as a software test engineer. Currently she has a publicatiuon in SPIE Conference. Research interests include but not limited to Complex modeling, Quantum Computing.

Dr. Anjan Koundinya K : senior IEEE member is B. E, MTech and PhD in Computer Science and Engineering. He has been awarded Best Performer PG 2010, First Rank Holder (M. Tech CSE 2010) and recipient of Best Doctoral Thesis Award by BITES, Karnataka for the academic year 2016 17. He has served in industry and academia in various capacities for more than a decade. He is currently working as Associate Professor in Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, BMS Institute of Technology and Management, Bengaluru.


Encryption, Contraception, Slack space, Qubit, Superposition

This document develops a common methodology for applying anti - forensics to storage media using a communication channel without an expensive set of tools and low risk of detection in classic computer systems. On the other hand, a light is shed on the risk of anti - forensics on the quantum system in a totally different computing paradigm.


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