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  The Analysis of the Effect of Transformational Leadership Styles and Compensation on Performance with Organizational Commitment as Intervening Variables of Primary School Teachers in Berbah District  
  Authors : Setiawan-Arief; Subyantoro-Arief
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This study aims to analyze the Performance of Elementary School Teachers in Berbah District. This study uses the variable Transformational Leadership Style and Compensation to analyze the influence of the teacher's performance. In addition, this study also uses organizational commitment as an intervening variable to analyze the effect of the level of teacher commitment on performance. The population in this study were elementary school teachers in Berbah District. The number of teachers based on data from UPT Yandik (Education Foundation Integrated Services Unit) in Berbah District in October 2012 was 242 people. Sampling Techniques with Cluster Random Sampling with a sample of 46 certified teachers and 25 uncertified according to the Slovin formula. The data used in this study are primary data, that is the source of research data obtained directly from the original source. In this case the primary data in the form of the results of filling out the questionnaire by Elementary School Teachers in the District of Berbah. Data analysis was performed using descriptive and inferential methods. Descriptive method is an analysis that describes the teacher's assessment of transformational leadership, compensation provided, organizational commitment and teacher performance. Whereas inferential analysis is done by Path Analysis and Independent Sample T Test with the SPSS 17.0 Program. Inferential Analysis is used to prove hypotheses about the effect of transformational leadership and direct compensation on teacher performance and the indirect effect through organizational commitment, as well as examining differences in performance between certified and non-certified teachers. The results found that the transformational leadership style had a significant positive effect on teacher performance, compensation significantly affected the performance of elementary school teachers in the Berbah District, the transformational leadership style significantly influenced the performance of elementary school teachers in the Berbah District through organizational commitment, compensation significantly affected the performance elementary school teachers in Berbah District through organizational commitment. Furthermore, the results of the study found that there were significant differences in teacher performance between certified teachers and uncertified teachers.


Published In : IJCSN Journal Volume 9, Issue 4

Date of Publication : August 2020

Pages : 204-210

Figures :02

Tables : 02


Setiawan, Arief, M.M. : Government Employee, Writer, Ambassador Reforms and Institutional Transformation (Kemenkeu) 2017/ 2018, Trainers of Inclusion of Tax Aware (DJP), Lecturer (Universitas Terbuka, Balai Diklat Keuangan, etc), Social Activist, Sociopreneur, etc. Telegram Group Founder & Lecturer: TOEFL ITP International > 500 with more than 7K members. Telegram Group Founder & Lecturer: TPA OTO BAPPENAS > 550 with more than 0.7K members.

Dr. Mrinalini Pandey : Subyantoro, Arief, Prof. Profesor of Magister Management in Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta.


Performance, Transformational Leadership Style, Compensation, Organizational Commitment

The purpose of this study is to analyze and prove the influence of transformational leadership styles and work motivation on teacher performance both directly and indirectly through organizational commitment and find out differences in teacher performance based on teacher certification. The conclusions that can be presented from the results of the analysis and hypothesis testing are as follows: 1. The results of the study found that there was a significant influence between transformational leadership style on the performance of elementary school teachers in the Berbah sub-district (t-test value = 2.818, significance of t-test = 0.006 <0.05). This indicated that the higher the transformational leadership style, the higher the performance Elementary school teachers in Berbah District will increase. 2. The results of the study found that there was a significant influence between recommendations on the performance of elementary school teachers in the Berbah sub-district (t-test value = 3.994, the significance of t-test = 0,000 <0.05). Berbah District will increase. 3. The results of the study found that there was a significant indirect effect between transformational leadership style on the performance of elementary school teachers in the Berbah sub-district through organizational commitment with an indirect effect coefficient of 0.084. This shows that the higher the transformational leadership style, the commitment of teacher organization will be better so that the performance of elementary school teachers in Berbah District will increase. 4. The results of the study found that there was a significant indirect effect between compensation on the performance of elementary school teachers in the Berbah sub-district through organizational commitment with an indirect effect coefficient of 0.082. This shows that the better the provision of compensation, the better the commitment of teacher organization so that the performance of elementary school teachers in the Berbah District will increase. 5. There are significant differences in teacher performance, between certified teachers and teachers who are not certified. These results are indicated by t count of 3.521 and sig of 0.001 <0.05. The results also found that the performance of teachers who were certified had better performance than teachers who were not certified.


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