The predominantly global stationing and utilization of technologically advanced and interactive electronic devices such as the tablets, phablets, smart phones, refrigerators, sensors, speakers, etc. These are mainly interrelated channelization of various applications for the Internet of Things (IoT) devices are reckoned to outstretch a large indefinite amount, from last two decades. The biggest challenge is the management of such amounts of data, which seems to be unable to be coped up with the user of traditional IoT and cloud-based architectures. A solution to this is the decentralization of applications using a computed distributed model. The infrastructure generating big data or a fog-based architecture which extends the Cloud Computing paradigm is defined to fully support the IoT methodology. Fog computing or "Fogging" works with the aim to enhance the processing, intelligence, and accumulation of data gradually closer and streamlined to the Edge of a network. This facilitates to provide computer-related services more efficiently much closer to the inter-operated smart things that form a major part of the IoT in a distributed computed environment. The objective of this paper is to understand the topical impediments which arise in the critical infrastructure of the organization's technology systems. Further, after introduction of the infrastructure, the challenges in securing and maintaining the big data privacy and trust concerns in relation to fog-enabled IoT is presented. A blockchain-based technology is deployed to address the security related issues in IoT and fog computing. Thereafter, Blockchain is integrated with IoT applications. The work, therefore, formalizes task of securing data in the current scenario, the prevalent threats for practitioners and the recommendations for promising research investigation in the future.
Published In:IJCSN Journal Volume 9, Issue 5
Date of Publication : October 2020
Pages : 240-251
Figures :05
Tables : --
Srishti Garg :
is pursuing M.Tech. (Software Engineering) with Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh in the Department of Information Technology. She received her Bachelor Degree in Computer Science and Engineering from Uttar Pradesh Technical University, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India in 2014. Her research areas include Cloud Computing, Machine Translation, Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning.
Pawan Kumar Chaurasia :
is working as an Associate Professor and Head with Mahatma Gandhi Central University, Motihari, Bihar in the Department of Computer Science and Information Technology. He was working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Information Technology, Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, (A Central University), Lucknow, India prior to this. He has published more than 30 International Journal papers, prsented more than 20 research papers and delivered more than 10 lectures. His research area includes Software Reliability, Software Quality, Software Testing, Machine Learning and IoT.
Blockchain, Big Data, Cloud Computing, Fog Computing, Internet of Things (IoT), Security
The irresistible and captivating environment of Fog computing will culminate in the unfolding of advanced big business representations, henceforth assisting the organizations to flourish supplementary methodically and rapidly. As a consequence of which new marketers and industries will approach imminently with fresh benefactions and new architectural viewpoints to networking. One exhilarated phenomenon of evolution and progressions is Fog-as-a-Service (FaaS) [50] where a Fog service contributor establishes unified and coordinated fog nodes to shield a territorial area of service. This, sequentially, will be helpful in imparting extended and favourable opportunities for actualizing contemporary and advanced breakthrough applications and resources that the ongoing host-based and Cloud-based manifesto are unable to develop comfortably and efficiently. This can be illustrated by the attribute evidenced that the Fog-based security services is capable to detail many challenges and other facets that are lately being confronted in the IoT environment [51, 52].
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