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  Key Management Scheme for Public Key Cryptography Using Blockchain Network  
  Authors : S. Rajyalaxmi
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Efficient and secure key management could be a challenge for cryptographic system. Therefore, management of keys is one of the most critical components of the cryptographic system. No infrastructure is secure, without keys to be secure. Public-key cryptography is an important security framework used to provide the authentication and the confidentiality. Authentication and Confidentiality are most critical services in almost all current network applications because of huge amount of data being processed over the networks. These services are currently managed by centralized controller called certificate-authority. Therefore, the services are prone to attacks on the centralized controller. So, we propose key management scheme for public key cryptography using blockchain Network to resolve issues with centralization. This can be possible only due to the presence of the consensus protocol which could be a core a part of Blockchain network. This paper also presents the concept of structure, types and operation of Blockchain.


Published In : IJCSN Journal Volume 9, Issue 5

Date of Publication : October 2020

Pages : 225-231

Figures :12

Tables : --


S.Rajyalaxmi : received MTech in Computer Science and Engineering from Osmania University, Hyderabad in 2013. Thereafter, she has 15 years of experience from Academia. She is currently an Assistant Professor with the vasavi college of engineering. Her research interests include Computer networks, Cryptography and Network Security and also Blockchain.


Block chain, Key Management, Public key cryptography, Consensus Protocol

In this paper, we presented a blockchain structure and its working process in providing distributed security services. These services include entity authentication, confidentiality, and integrity assurances. The authentication, the confidentiality and integrity might be achieved by the public key cryptography using encryption method and the digital signature schemes. Thus, we discussed different blockchain-based key management for public key cryptography. There are still many open issues that need to be further researched and analyzed. Examples of these open issues include privacy, scalability, energy issues, and integration with other systems. The future work is required to address these issues and fill the gaps for more efficient, scalable and secure blockchain applications, testing the different blockchain approaches in large scale and real-time environments.


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