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  A Survey on Algorithms for Optimal Path Search in Dynamic Networks  
  Authors : Neeraj Navlakha; Manisha J. Nene
  Cite as: ijcsn.org/IJCSN-2013/2-6/IJCSN-2013-2-6-161.pdf


Dynamic networks are prevalent everywhere right from Internet, Local Area Networks, Mobile Ad hoc networks to Wireless Sensor Networks. Communication networks, social networks, Web, transportation networks infrastructures represent dynamic networks due to the dynamics that influence its topologies, connectivity, reliability and fault-tolerance. The network dynamics is rigorously influenced by the input parameters like data, communication, computational overloads, data traffic, data congestion, inclusion and exclusion of data resources over time. Hence, to identify optimal paths in such dynamic networks where communication nodes come and go, network communication edges may crash and recover, is a non-trivial problem. In this paper we present a rigorous study on various shortest path finding algorithms in dynamic networks. Although the research on this problem spans over more than thirty years, in the last couple of years many novel algorithmic techniques have been proposed. An arduous effort is made to abstract some combinatorial and algebraic properties. Also, common data-structural tools that are at the base of those techniques are described and compared.


Published In : IJCSN Journal Volume 2, Issue 6

Date of Publication : 01 December 2013

Pages : 184 - 195

Figures : 07

Tables : 04

Publication Link : ijcsn.org/IJCSN-2013/2-6/IJCSN-2013-2-6-161.pdf




Neeraj Navlakha : Department of Applied Mathematics, Defence Institute of Advanced Technology Pune, Maharashtra, 411025, India.

Manisha J. Nene : Department of Computer Engineering, Defence Institute of Advanced Technology Pune, Maharashtra, 411025, India.








Dynamic networks

dynamic graph problems

dynamic shortest paths





Identifying optimal paths in dynamic networks is a non-trivial problem. The applications, computations, processes, data etc. migrate from blade servers to handheld computational devices and vice-versa which belongs to a dynamic network demand for runtime optimal path detections. Throughout the paper we attempted to present all the algorithmic techniques within a unified framework by abstracting the algebraic and combinatorial properties and the data-structural tools that lie at their foundations. Simulation results on real-world graph of Maryland State in US show that the running time and memory dissipation are acceptable on relatively small network, and also on enquiry of safe path between a pair of nodes with relatively short distance. The time complexity is only about O(n^2.4 ) when algorithm 3 is applied in scale-free networks generated by the AB model. The algorithm performance is slightly improved with the optimization strategies in scale-free networks. Recent work has raised some new and perhaps intriguing questions. First, can we reduce the space usage for dynamic shortest paths to O(n^2 )? Second, and perhaps more important, can we solve efficiently fully dynamic single-source reachability and shortest paths on general graphs? Lastly, are there any general techniques for making increase-only algorithms fully dynamic, remains unanswered.










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