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  Survey on Nearest Neighbor Search with Keywords  
  Authors : Shubhada Phakatkar; Dr. S.T. Singh
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Today many applications use a new forms of query called as spatial keyword query which include finding objects closest to a specified location that contains specific set of keywords. For example, "find the nearest hotels to a specific location that contain facilities free lunch and dry cleaning". Such query would ask for the hotels that are closest among those which provides facilities "free lunch and dry cleaning" all at the same time instead of considering all the hotels. Currently using IR2-tree is the best solution to such queries, which has a few deficiencies that seriously impact its efficiency. In this paper, we present a review on various methods used for NN search with keywords.


Published In : IJCSN Journal Volume 4, Issue 1

Date of Publication : February 2015

Pages : 133 - 135

Figures : 01

Tables : --

Publication Link : Survey on Nearest Neighbor Search with Keywords




Ms. Shubhada Phakatkar : is pursuing Masters of Engineering from Pune University, did her B. E in CE from Pune University in 2009 and completed her MBA in Computer Application from Pune University in 2013.

Dr. S.T.Singh : Professor and campus director of CE in PK Technical campus, Completed ME (CE) and PhD. He has 10 years of industrial and 9 years of teaching experience.








Nearest Neighbor Search

Spatial Database

Spatial Inverted Index

Keyword Search

This paper presents the survey of various techniques for nearest neighbor search for spatial database. As in the previous methods there were many drawbacks. The existing solutions incur too expensive space consumption or they are unable to give real time answer. So to overcome the drawbacks of previous methods, new method is based on variant of inverted index and R-tree and algorithm of minimum bounding method is used to reduce the search space. This method will increase the efficiency of nearest neighbor search too.










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